Bila anda sudah berhasil memodifikasi Icon Sony Ericsson anda silahkan mencoba Tutorial berikut.
Dan ingat bahwa semua resiko adalah sepenuhnya milik anda!!
FIrst u have to download FAR Manager from
and apply the update u can download from Code:
then download the SEFP plugin from Code:
(credits goes to Darkmen for this marvelous plugin)
install FAR manager (ie. to C:\Program Files\Far)
extract the plugin to (ie. C:\Program Files\Far\Plugins\SEFP)
plug ur DCU-60 (USB cable that came along ur k750i/w800i) to ur computer (DO NOT PLUG THE OTHER END TO UR PHONE YET…!)
Turn ur phone OFF
remove the battery for a few seconds, then put it back (DO NOT TURN IT ON..!)
run FAR Manager
press Alt F1
choose SEFP (the plugin we installed earlier)
leave the default settings, press ENTER THE MATRIX button
now press and hold the C button on ur phone, then plug to ur DCU-60 cable
at this point, FAR Manager will detect ur phone, and try to make a connection to ur phone (ur phone should be still OFF right now)
FAR will display the folders and files in ur phone on the left window, right window is ur computer’s disk
next, simply follow the original tutorial i attach below…
to make a new folder/directory press F7
to delete a wrongly named file/folder press SHIFT + DELETE
remember to backup ur sms before doing this trick… (i recommend using My Phone Explorer)
use the search button up there, and search for it.. u’ll find it easily…
after u finished with the tutorial, dont forget to get back to the root, by pressin ENTER/RETURN at .. until u get a red messagebox like this (look at the pic below) and press yes
then u may unplug ur phone now, remove the battery, put it back, and start ur phone…
to check if this tricks works or not, simply use My Phone Explorer and check the memory status >> sms phone >> free
ur sms limitation is ur phone’s free internal memory…
check the screenshots for my phone…
PS: more than 1000 sms (inbox + outbox + draft) will slow down ur phone…