by Frank J. Fabozzi (Author), Steven V. Mann (Author), Moorad Choudhry (Author)
Fabozzi, Mann and Choudhry have written an excellent introduction to the money market. Stigum's (2002) Money Market has long been the standard text for this market, so let's compare. For many readers, Fabozzi, Mann and Choudhry will be the preferred text.
At one quarter the length (328 pages vs. 1250), we might call the new book "Stigum Light." This is not a bad thing. Many people don't have time to read the entire Stigum but can get through the shorter book in a few sittings. If someone has a job interview in a couple days and needs to learn about the money market fast, they are going to read Fabozzi, Mann and Choudhry.
The book achieves its relative brevity with only a modest sacrificing in depth of detail. Where it compromises is breadth. While Stigum devotes 400 pages to discussing the major players before proceeding to discuss the instruments that are traded, Fabozzi, Mann and Choudhry focus primarily on the instruments.
Coverage is broad, including Treasuries, agencies, corporate debt, financial institutions' debt, floaters, repos, short-term MBS and ABS, futures, FRA's, swaps, caps and floors. They also have nice chapters on asset-liability management and on bank capital requirements.